Resultados de la búsqueda votes

CNN reports Smartmatic VOTE FRAUD 0    0

CNN says SMARTMATIC is used for VOTER FRAUD in 2006. CNN, who has long claimed that the software and mail-in ballots of the 2020 election were the most secure in history, do a full news report in ...

Inglorious-patr... 915 Vistas

IGP4 00179 — Foxtrot on the 17th — Don't join the Dance 0    0

Fewer people on Alt Media have had their channels deleted more times for telling the truth, than than Pete Santilli, who has been de-platformed by the Techno-Nazis 15 times. My channels have been dele...

Inglorious-patr... 793 Vistas

IGP4 00178 — Final Warning to Deep State 0    0

Fewer people on Alt Media have had their channels deleted more times for telling the truth, than than Pete Santilli, who has been de-platformed by the Techno-Nazis 15 times. My channels have been dele...

Inglorious-patr... 808 Vistas

Public Data Shows 432,000 Trump Votes Removed in Pennsylvani... 0    0

The Data Integrity Group, a group of data scientists, has been dissecting publicly available data on the presidential election in multiple states. Most recently, in Pennsylvania, they found over 432,0...

Inglorious-patr... 799 Vistas

IGP3 00148 — Insurrection Act will be invoked 0    0

SHTF TODAY. Meeting in Oval Office yesterday with Patrick Byrne, Sidney Powell, Lyn Wood, Rudy Giuliani, POTUS, and Michael Flynn. Trump cut off access to his regular cabinet. See: https://youtu....

Inglorious-patr... 883 Vistas

Trump votes crushed cheating system; Shocking Frankfurt serv... 0    0

Brian Trascher told NEWSMAX in a Nov. 18 interview that the Trump team has recovered raw data from Dominion Voting servers seized in Germany. He said the data will be made public, including informatio...

Inglorious-patr... 1,331 Vistas

554 TRUMP WILL WIN 554 Rudy Giuliani Says LEGAL CHALLENGES... 0    0

President Donald Trump has announced a news conference to provide an update on his challenge to the results of the 2020 election. In a tweet on Thursday morning, Trump said, "Impor...

Inglorious-patr... 927 Vistas

American Votes Tallied In Foreign Countries | Rudy Giuliani ... 0    0

Don’t forget to comment below with your Common Sense and subscribe to my podcast at ► Connect with Rudy Giuliani on Twitter: ► ...

Inglorious-patr... 900 Vistas

Scytl Frankfurt servers containing ballot data seized; Trump... 0    0

Fasten your seat belts, todays show is going to be a ride that has twists and turns. Larry Johnson writes that the US military does not have legal authority to seize servers in other countries, but h...

Inglorious-patr... 834 Vistas

Glenda Jackson is Stevie 1978 0    0

'I was much further out than you thought. And not waving but drowning.' Jackson gives a tour de force performance as tragic poet Stevie Smith. This film was released in the U.K. in 1978, but didn't g...

Classicmovies 1,579 Vistas