Resultados de la búsqueda has

IGP4 00179 — Foxtrot on the 17th — Don't join the Dance 0    0

Fewer people on Alt Media have had their channels deleted more times for telling the truth, than than Pete Santilli, who has been de-platformed by the Techno-Nazis 15 times. My channels have been dele...

Inglorious-patr... 799 Vistas

IGP4 00178 — Final Warning to Deep State 0    0

Fewer people on Alt Media have had their channels deleted more times for telling the truth, than than Pete Santilli, who has been de-platformed by the Techno-Nazis 15 times. My channels have been dele...

Inglorious-patr... 815 Vistas

IGP4 00175 — How to communicate securely despite Big Broth... 0    0

Since Big Brother has his hands and all of the technical things that we do including our communications, Patriots have to have a way to communicate absolutely securely. This is one simple method that ...

Inglorious-patr... 806 Vistas

IGP4 00172 Conspiracy Theory proven as Empirical FACT 0    0

Twitter stock takes a 17% nosedive, other Social Media PUBLISHERS will soon follow. TOLD YA! On New Year's day, Delta Force had raided a 200 acre compound in Ukraine, near Mariupol, controlled by ...

Inglorious-patr... 820 Vistas

IGP4 00172 EO#13959 Dump your Chink Stocks NOW 0    0

The executive order #13959, seizing the assets of all companies who were involved in election tampering in the United States has been activated the assets of all of these companies will be seized thei...

Inglorious-patr... 795 Vistas

IGP4 00167 — Violent Revolution is Inevitable 0    0

All of the developments this week are overwhelming, so I'll cover what others are NOT covering, and give you a synopsis to assure you that the Deep-State plan has failed, and the Coup de' Gras is abou...

Inglorious-patr... 825 Vistas

Public Data Shows 432,000 Trump Votes Removed in Pennsylvani... 0    0

The Data Integrity Group, a group of data scientists, has been dissecting publicly available data on the presidential election in multiple states. Most recently, in Pennsylvania, they found over 432,0...

Inglorious-patr... 804 Vistas

The US Is Facing An Rising Communist Movement; Trump Will No... 0    0

President Trump Twitter perma-suspended In this special end the week-day episode where I will share with you my deep analysis on the rise of communism at this very moment due to the apparent end of...

Inglorious-patr... 861 Vistas

IGP4 00155 — Canadian Boom - Witness tweets Pencil-neck Ar... 0    0

An explosion in a Canadian Steel Mill which fortunately resulted in no casualties, comes on the heels of an RV explosion in the USA. Co-inky-dink? That remains to be seen. Also, eyewitness to Shifty-S...

Inglorious-patr... 850 Vistas

IGP3 00149 — Kinetic take-down of Deep-State inevitable 0    0

While Martial Law has been ruled out as an option to take out the Deep State, purely for "optics" reasons, the Insurrection Act, with Civilian Militia backed by the M...

Inglorious-patr... 804 Vistas

IGP3 00148 — Insurrection Act will be invoked 0    0

SHTF TODAY. Meeting in Oval Office yesterday with Patrick Byrne, Sidney Powell, Lyn Wood, Rudy Giuliani, POTUS, and Michael Flynn. Trump cut off access to his regular cabinet. See: https://youtu....

Inglorious-patr... 893 Vistas

FBI reports 500,000 fake ballots; Sean Hannity: US in deep t... 0    0

UPDATE with news breaking out at 6pm after we shot the episode today: Supreme Court has rejected theState of Texas’s “Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint.” However for now, I would like...

Inglorious-patr... 832 Vistas

IGP3 00139 — America Prepares for UN Chink Invasion 0    0

See Over the past few days, some of you have no doubt been hearing about US Warships patrolling East and West coasts, and of massive troo...

Inglorious-patr... 941 Vistas

IGP3 00134 — Enemies of the People 0    0

From at LEAST November 1963 until 2016, the MSM has been the TRUSTED enemy of the people.... supposed Journalists who are the 4th Estate, protected by the US Constitution, while they covertly conspire...

Inglorious-patr... 868 Vistas

IGP3 00133 — Conference Call with Stew Webb pt 1 0    0

Conversation December 1, 2020 Stew Webb website Books mentioned: "The Plot to Seize the White House" — Jules Arch...

Inglorious-patr... 935 Vistas