Resultados de la búsqueda famicom

[セガサターン] マクロス | Macross (Flash SegaSatur... 0    0

A very anime-y one-level demo of the Sega Saturn Macross game, which to my surprise (Yes, I am dumb) was not much like the famicom game. I wonder how all the anime cutscenes did not get this Conten...

Cabbusses 951 Vistas

SMW MSU1 Project Audio Edit - Mario! Stay Alert! (MSU1 Castl... 0    0

Second one. I don't know what else I have that would qualify at the moment, but I'll keep you all posted. This is an excerpt from "Mario! Stay Alert!" on the Super...

Cabbusses 1,001 Vistas

FDS Shin Onigashima but the music is BS Shin Onigashima 0    0

So, the BS Shin Onigashima music edit here took quite a bit of work. I had to cobble bits from both the NicoNico Uploads AND kukun kun's uploads of BS Shin Onigashima. That's a lot of videos to cre...

Cabbusses 1,006 Vistas

BSFE but WIND is ripped from (the now dead) FE Sound Museum 0    0

You know when you're the only person on the internet who'd bother to check if a certain site is still around so you don't for years and then the site is gone? Yeah, that site was Fire Emblem Sound ...

Cabbusses 998 Vistas

kukun kun kut - BS Spriggan Powered Music 554 Upper Atmosph... 0    0

So one of the BS Spriggan Powered recordings have done us a favor and made a nice, clean rip of one of the songs that goes for nearly 7 minutes! This song plays through Episode 2, which has stage 2...

Cabbusses 911 Vistas

BS Spriggan Powered Restoration Edit WIP - Unknown title (Do... 0    0

So here is another one that is not really complete/proper but I wanted to try because the track sounds cool. The thing about this track? I swear, it never plays the exact same way more than once or...

Cabbusses 939 Vistas

BS Spriggan Powered Restoration Edit WIP - (ABRIDGED) Unknow... 0    0

There's some tracks that simply can't be done because there's always some voice acting going over them. This is kinda a compromise that resulted form that - an abridged "jingle&...

Cabbusses 1,005 Vistas

BS Spriggan Powered Restoration Edit - Upper Atmosphere (Fin... 0    0

So, casual watching of kukun kun's BS Spriggan Powered recordings made me realize something a bit surprising. While through most of a given episode you have some leeway into playing or not playing ...

Cabbusses 959 Vistas

BS Spriggan Powered Prelude Vocal Removal Test - Unknown tit... 0    0

Like with the Prelude version of "Over the Beautiful Forest", this... almost works. Almost! Anyway, this track is similar to the one here:

Cabbusses 979 Vistas

クック・ドゥ・ドゥル・ドゥー (RPGツクールS... 1    0

Well, whadaya know! Cock-A-Doodle-Doo was on the Satellaview! Because of the differences between Super Dante and Dante98, the experiences are pretty different between the versions of &q...

Cabbusses 1,325 Vistas

A Quick Look At 554 Dr. Mario 554 / 554 Virus 554 Prototyp... 1    0

Hey, did anyone see this? With these three ROM releases there's now 4 Dr. Mario prototypes. I can't think of any one Nintendo game that has this m...

Cabbusses 815 Vistas

p4plus2's Super Mario Bros. for SNES (As seen @ AGDQ) - Minu... 1    0

From p4plus2's SMB1 port, as seen at AGDQ2015! http:/// The first thing I thought to do when getting this version was something I couldn't do in regular ol' All-Stars; that is, ...

Cabbusses 928 Vistas

デッドゾーン (FDS) プロトタイプディスク | De... 1    0 This was dumped by Callis and put up first on here: It seems I was the first person to really try analyzing i...

Cabbusses 926 Vistas