Resultados de la búsqueda Saiyan

sm41370 - ドラゴンボールZ 超武闘伝スペシャル... 0    0

Original NND URL: I've been gathering up the retro videogame PVs and video magazine stuff. It's possible these'll how some good unseen videogame content. T...

Cabbusses 972 Vistas

Sonic gets basic knowledge about Dragon Ball Z wrong (taken ... 0    0

The original full-length video can be found on Dailymotion here: It also is located here: Howe...

Cabbusses 905 Vistas

SUPER SAIYAN COLORS - SOLVED? | A Dragonball Discussion 0    0

In the last few years, there have been many different colours of Super Saiyan showing up! From Super Saiyan God to Super Saiyan Rose, it's all there. However, I and a fan of mine have potentially foun...

MasakoX 1,967 Vistas

WHAT IF GOHAN WENT SUPER SAIYAN EARLY? | Dragonball Discussi... 0    0

Gohan has had a lot to deal with throughout his life, including his master Piccolo facing ordeals TWICE! What might have happened if one of these events led to the inevitable and we saw the Super Saiy...

MasakoX 2,229 Vistas

THE SAIYANS GREATEST CHALLENGE FOUND? | Dragonball Discussio... 0    0

After months of planning and designing, we have come up with the ultimate challenge for Dragon Ball fighters, especially for Goku and Vegeta and all the Saiyans of Universe 6. The Construct are here w...

MasakoX 1,591 Vistas