電擊イライラ棒 リターンズ 電撃Playstation オリジナルコース | The Irritating Stick (Dengeki Playstation D7)

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Dengeki Playstation D7 has a demo of the game known in English as "The Irritating Stick". But it's no ordinary demo; this version has two exclusive mazes specially designed for Dengeki Playstation players. The first one is easy enough, but the second one is easily on par with the hardest of courses in the series. Even though I played through it and beat it once on livestream before, trying to do it again for a recording took me many times. And GOOD LUCK trying to beat this course with no lives lost, because there's no time-extension checkpoints; the only way you can get more timer to is to sacrifice a life.

It also has the "Final" course from the TV show version, which appears to be the same as in the final game.
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