Search results for legend

[Playstation] Konami Best Collection - '96 Fuyu-'97 Haru Ban 0    0

This demo disc is entirely video content on autoplay. Demo videos contained in this: 1: Vandal Hearts 2: J-League Jikkyou Winning Eleven '97 3: Lightning legend ~Daigo no Daibouken~ 4: ...

Cabbusses 860 views

[プレイステーション] ロックマンDASH2 | Mega M... 0    0

Oh, maybe I found something interesting here? For once, a Mega Man demo that the Mega Man fans maaayyybe didn't document to death already? This is a Rockman Dash 2 Episode 2/Mega Man legends 2 demo...

Cabbusses 1,159 views

[セガサターン] 水滸演武 | Dark Legend (Tech サ�... 0    0

A demo of the Saturn port of the game known in arcades as "Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty". Why does this have so many different names? Jeez. Anyway, this has three pla...

Cabbusses 953 views

[セガサターン] ドラゴンボールZ 偉大なるド�... 0    0

A demo of DBZ legends for Saturn. It covers the first level which has the Nappa/Vegeta fight. In the demo there is no score or ranking. It is possible this may not look entirely accurate. If so, bl...

Cabbusses 929 views

[セガサターン] 水滸演舞 〜風雲再起〜 (Tech... 0    0

A demo of "Suiko Enbu: Fuuun Saiki", the followup game to "Dark legend" from Tech Saturn Tsuushin.

Cabbusses 948 views

[セガサターン] 水滸演舞 〜風雲再起〜 サ�... 0    0

The sample disc of "Suiko Enbu: Fuuin Saiki". Compared to the Tech Saturn demo, this has one more playable character, but it also resets after a single match. T...

Cabbusses 932 views

BS Zelda AST MSU1 Project Audio Edit - Toy Music Zelda (BSZ ... 0    0

Since I did some fairly intense MSU1 audio editing at times (Well, intense by my lazy standards, anyway) I figured I'd post some standalone versions of it to YouTube. This is a snippet from that &a...

Cabbusses 994 views

Sega Pico Music - Page 3 (Pokémon Hiragana Katakana Kakecha... 1    0

This is the page where one goes "If this is just a trick Team Rocket is pulling, how the heck did legendaries get involved?"

Cabbusses 952 views

554 Pokemon Advance Generation 554 for Sega Pico (Part 4) 1    0

UPDATING THIS MESSAGE IN CAPS LOCK: The ROM was dumped and released at the end of 2012. Look for it in the No-Intro sets somewhere down the line. I may record it in emulation later. This game offi...

Cabbusses 904 views

Releasing the BS Ihatovo Monogatari Dai-2-wa ROM (PLUS BS Ze... 1    0

BS Ihatovo episode 2 ROM dump by sanmaiwashi: (rename to .sfc or .bs if necessary) BONUS: Conn's hack to enable the BS Zelda: I...

Cabbusses 1,001 views

BS Zelda - Dai-4-wa from blank slate - Map 2 - Mottzilla Pat... 1    0

As a bit of an experiment, I wanted to try beating BS Zelda starting from nothing on Week 4 and seeing if I could get through to the finish. I recorded this on my DVD recorder using the SFC Neo Myt...

Cabbusses 934 views

[Gamecube] 月刊任天堂店頭デモ 1/2003 Disc A | Gekka... 1    0

The entirety of "Gekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo (Jan 2003, Disc A). As posted on hidden-palace: Disc A is entirel...

Cabbusses 1,013 views

BS Zelda Music remastered by FireBrandX (Satellaview) 1    0

My desktop hasn't been working for a while, so I haven't been able to upload much. Here's a bit of something as an apology; FireBrandX, over at the BS Zelda forums, did these "rema...

Cabbusses 933 views

[NGC] 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズDX 実演よ (�... 1    0

I decided to try straining my setup more and using Dolphin. This is the Smash Bros. Melee Store Demo released on demoban.

Cabbusses 994 views

BSゼルダの伝説 - 耳をすませのテーマ | BS ... 1    0

FireBrandX has wowed me with this. He's managed to produce a clean, listenable version of one of BS Zelda's original music tracks, one in particular I didn't think possible. It's been put up for do...

Cabbusses 1,003 views