Search results for den

[PICO] 電磁戦隊メガレンジャー | 554 Denji Sentai... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! This Pico game has one of the more interesting "gimmicks" I've seen, where the storyware page is actually &a...

Cabbusses 997 views

[BEENA] おでんくん おでんむらのたのしいなか... 1    0

Another Beena game upload. ... Just when I thought the Beena could not surprise me any more, I end up dealing with a farting-based minigame. ( 15:00 ) Good grief! I am never eating anything made wi...

Cabbusses 1,060 views

More Japanese Pico ROMs - Daihyakka, Hello Kitty, Shimajiro,... 1    0

Another batch of Pico ROMs that sometimes don't really want to play on Kega Fusion. Tsk. Anyhow, listing. "Soreike! Anpanman: Anpanman to denwa de Asobou!" - Pico ...

Cabbusses 999 views

Bigger Sega Pico ROM testing in Kega Fusion 1    0

Sheesh, I did one that's an hour long now? What's wrong with me? Well, quite simply, I was behind on the ROM dumps, and I needed to play catch-up! Actually, this doesn't even have all of them, I just ...

Cabbusses 1,084 views

[PICO] 新世紀ウルトラマン伝説 | 554 Shinseiki Ul... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! This is both another Ultraman game and another one of those games with the fighting engine stuff.

Cabbusses 1,276 views

[BEENA] 甲虫王者ムシキング ~森の民の伝説~... 1    0

Ah, I didn't want to finish the Pokemon Beena games that fast. :P I needed something different, after all. Here's Mushiking's Beena game, which resembles the anime a lot more than the preceding Pi...

Cabbusses 1,679 views

[VHS修復] マリオとヨッシーの冒険ランド | (NO... 1    0

EDIT: Congrats on 4 MILLION views! Thanks everyone! EDIT: I finally got off my lazy rear end and added Bluesun's subs to this after a quick re-timing. Japanese captions were also generously subm...

Cabbusses 1,599 views

IGP UNBRCORR - Ukraine U1 Unbridled Corruption 0    0

Barry Soetoro had ordered the massacre of over 100 innocent people in Ukraine; U1, Chinese spies, Contract Murders, TRILLIONS stolen, pay to Hunter..... This only the needle BEFORE it scratches the su...

Inglorious-patr... 1,038 views

IGP 2MORECJ — Two more Hajiis Are Worm Food 0    0

US Forces kill two MORE terrorists. Even the camels are shittin' themselves. Golden State Times article:

Inglorious-patr... 951 views

TERJAWAB! Patutlah Anwar Ibrahim Dakwa Boleh Tunggu 6 Bulan ... 0    0

Anwar Ibrahim hari ini dilaporkan berkata, beliau tidak keberatan untuk menunggu enam bulan lagi sebelum dapat menjadi perdana menteri apabila Dr Mahathir Mohamad berundur dari jawatan berkenaan. D...

Dramaone 1,036 views

IGP KY2ARALY — Armed Citizens in KY Capitol Building 0    0

Armed citizens in Kentucky walk into Capitol building without incident. MSM doesn't cover the rally AT ALL. See HI Impact Vlogs: See also

Inglorious-patr... 1,006 views

TERJAWAB! PAS Mengaku Pernah Cuba Bekerjasama Dengan BERSATU 0    0

Menurut Setiausaha Agung PAS, Takiyuddin Hassan, berkata parti itu cuba bekerjasama dengan Dr Mahathir Mohamad dengan mengadakan rundingan bersama Bersatu, khususnya melalui presiden parti itu, Muhyid...

Dramaone 1,043 views

IGP CPSVICTM — That's TWO calls today from victims 0    0

How many of these stories do you have to hear, and what amount of evidence will it take so that the public rests in the sufficiency of it, and realizes there is something VERY wrong here? Two calls in...

Inglorious-patr... 992 views

IGP AQUITED — POTUS AQUITED — Percocet Pelosi Pissed 0    0

THIS round of bullshit is OVER. The Senate has acquitted the President of this impeachment witch-hunt. Get ready for MORE bullshit. Oven-Mitt Fashionista will be 2020 candidate. See https://you...

Inglorious-patr... 1,074 views

PANAS! Najib Samakan Mat Sabu Dengan Tikus? Selepas Dakwa Ke... 0    0

Presiden Amanah Mohamad Sabu menyifatkan kenyataan Timbalan Setiausaha Agung DAP Nga Kor Ming sebagai pandangan peribadi dan bukan pendirian rasmi parti itu. Berikut adalah respon Najib Razak. Don'...

Dramaone 1,050 views