Search results for dEngeki Playstation

[プレイステーション] こみゅにてぃぽむ | Com... 0    0

Another demo of the cutesy Zelda-like. It has many of the same audio quirks so it's probably built off the same code base as the dEngeki Playstation demo, but it covers a different section of the game...

Cabbusses 934 views

[プレイステーション] 電撃コンストラクシ�... 0    0

A demo of "Dengeki Construction: Ochigee Yarou ze!" from dEngeki Playstation D8. I'm not too familiar with the full game so I'll just describe what I see here: There...

Cabbusses 998 views

[プレイステーション] Armored Core (プレプレ Vol... 0    0

Much to my surprise, a different demo from the dEngeki Playstation/Hyper Playstation Re-mix demo. The level you play on is different. It seems to have the 2-player mode available. There's no voice act...

Cabbusses 1,007 views

[プレイステーション] Stolen Song (Dengeki Playstat... 0    0

A different demo of "Stolen Song". Unlike the Hyper Playstation Re-Mix version, this lets you play the entirety of the game's title track. the Vs. mode, meanwhile,...

Cabbusses 890 views

[プレイステーション] 炎の料理人: クッキン�... 0    0

Although this is the taikenban for Cooking Fighter Hao in dEngeki Playstation D7... Calling this a "demo" is kinda not really accurately describing it. It is a promo...

Cabbusses 987 views

[プレイステーション] X-men: Mutant Academy (X-men M... 0    0

A demo of the 3D X-men fighting game by Paradox and Activision, in a demo disc which also came with a Spider-Man demo (which will be recorded later, along with the dEngeki Playstation demo, for an int...

Cabbusses 1,040 views

[プレイステーション] Spyro 2 (電撃 Playstation D... 0    0

A demo of Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage for dEngeki Playstation that showcases two of the game's worlds. Are the cutscenes that play at the beginning and end of each demo stage custom for this?

Cabbusses 968 views

[プレイステーション] 2D 格闘ツクール | 2D Fi... 0    0

A demo of 2D Kakuto Tsukuru from dEngeki Playstation D28. It has a pre-made character and an edited variant for you to try out. It does not seem to have any actual editing demos, though.

Cabbusses 964 views

[プレイステーション] X-men: Mutant Academy(電撃 P... 0    0

A demo of X-men: Mutant Academy from dEngeki Playstation D45. It is similar to the demo from the X-men/Spider-Man taikenban disc, but.. why is the voice acting bugged? Pay close attention - thos...

Cabbusses 969 views

[プレイステーション] Spider-Man (電撃 Playstation... 0    0

The Spider-Man demo from dEngeki Playstation D45. Content-wise, it is similar to the Japanese X-men/Spider-man Taikenban demo but there is one obvious audio difference - this has an actual Japanese d...

Cabbusses 1,003 views

[プレイステーション] Spider-Man (X-men Mutant Acade... 0    0

The demo of Spider-Man from the X-men/Spider-man demo disc. It lets you play the bank heist scenario with some of the text translated in Japanese. Compare with the dEngeki Playstation D45 demo for ...

Cabbusses 1,043 views

[プレイステーション] ロックマンDASH2 | Mega M... 0    0

Oh, maybe I found something interesting here? For once, a Mega Man demo that the Mega Man fans maaayyybe didn't document to death already? This is a Rockman Dash 2 Episode 2/Mega Man Legends 2 demo...

Cabbusses 1,188 views

[プレイステーション] Mr. Driller (電撃 Playstatio... 0    0

A demo of the Playstation version of Mr. Driller from "dEngeki Playstation D35". It's short, and lets you dig 100m into the ground before it ends. The Dreamcast Do...

Cabbusses 922 views

[プレイステーション] ロックマン X5 | Rockman X... 0    0

A Mega Man X5 demo from dEngeki Playstation D39. Unfortunately, on surface level, it looks like it's the same as the プレプレPLUS Vol. 6 one. Bummer! YouTube is telling me to tell people to ...

Cabbusses 973 views

[プレイステーション] パトレイバー | Patlabor ... 0    0

A demo of Patlabor for Playstation - and by that, I mean the Patlabor game that actually did come out, this is the only demo that actually resembles that. This demo takes you through Mission 3. (We...

Cabbusses 939 views