Resultados de la búsqueda beena

[BEENA] 轟轟戦隊ボウケンジャー | GoGo Sentai Bouk... 1    0

Requested by sorakis ty! This is pretty similar to the other Sentai games for beena, but somehow I feel as though it has an extra bit of polish on the fighting game portion. Plus, page 2 has a lot of...

Cabbusses 968 Vistas

[BEENA] いっしょにへんしん フレッシュプリキ... 1    0

I actually have a few beena carts I need to record on my backlog. Trying to catch up a bit now! Fresh Precure here seems pretty similar to the other Precure games up to this point. But that said, s...

Cabbusses 1,045 Vistas

[BEENA] オシャレ魔女 ラブ and ベリー キュート... 1    0

Got another beena game vid up! I'm not entirely sure if I'd want to share the fashion sense Love and Berry have with any future daughters I would theoretically (not) have. The most notable thing a...

Cabbusses 989 Vistas

[BEENA] 古代王者 恐竜キング Dキッズ・アドベ�... 1    0

Oh hey, another beena game! For whatever other info is on the internet, look up the title "Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King D-Kids Adventure: Dino Slash! Kyouryuu Battle!!"...

Cabbusses 914 Vistas

[BEENA] 侍戦隊シンケンジャー | Samurai Sentai Shin... 1    0

Another beena game! Shinkenger is very similar to Go-onger, the previous sentai-based beena game I tried. It even has the same voiceover over all the touch pen actions!

Cabbusses 943 Vistas

[BEENA] しまじろうの えいごアクティビティ AB... 1    0

I have had time constraints getting in the way of doing a beena game recording for a while, but I finally crammed one in. This Shimajiro game teaches English in the traditional Pico/beena way - by ...

Cabbusses 1,075 Vistas

[BEENA] 食育シリーズ 1 それいけ!アンパンマ�... 1    0

I'm late on the beena, sorry! This Anpanman is designed to teach about healthy eating. So far, out of what I've played on beena, this probably has the best cutscene quality (You get stuff that feel...

Cabbusses 916 Vistas

[BEENA] アンパンマンをさがせ! | Anpanman o Sagas... 1    0

Finally got another beena game recorded. This one is similar to the Pokemon search game, except with Anpanman!

Cabbusses 1,052 Vistas

[BEENA] ハローキティのひらがな・カタカナ・�... 1    0

Somehow, in spite of my lack of free time, I've managed another beena game recording. This Hello Kitty game has Hiragana/Katakana lessons, and minigames designed to teach youngsters to memorize the...

Cabbusses 978 Vistas

[BEENA] おでんくん おでんむらのたのしいなか... 1    0

Another beena game upload. ... Just when I thought the beena could not surprise me any more, I end up dealing with a farting-based minigame. ( 15:00 ) Good grief! I am never eating anything made wi...

Cabbusses 1,039 Vistas

[BEENA] それいけ!アンパンマン はじめてかけ... 1    0

I still have beena games, even if I have been slow with them! This one is a really long-winded title! "Soreike! Anpanman Hajimete Kaketa yo! Oboeta yo! Hiragana Katakana: Gojuuon ...

Cabbusses 1,034 Vistas

[BEENA] 思いやりをはぐくむ語りかけ絵本 ミ�... 1    0

オランダの子どもの本に基づいてbeenaゲーム。友達がサンリオのためにそれを間違えましたw。 なぜ私が彼女の着替えにで歩き続けるのですか?www

Cabbusses 1,042 Vistas

[ADVANCED PICO BEENA] ビーナタウンへようこそ (ソ... 1    0

最近購入しました。 すぐにYouTubeのためのよりビーナゲームを得るために願っています。

Cabbusses 1,076 Vistas

[BEENA] ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネ... 1    0

Ahh, finally, a new beena game recording! I managed to get the remaining Pokemon beena games. The Best Wishes one will be recorded soon! Unfortunately, I hit a big snag getting the Pico ones - a pur...

Cabbusses 1,034 Vistas

[BEENA] それいけ!アンパンマン カードでたの... 1    0

Been a bit of time since a beena game! ... argh, that pun... And finally, I got another Anpanman game up here! I wonder if the mass dislikes will arise again? This Anpanman game came packaged wi...

Cabbusses 1,044 Vistas