Résultats de recherche pour The Demon

IGP9 00315 - Aaron Lewis Song Gone Viral 0    0

Country and even Rap singers are bringing back the "Boomer Generation" tradition of making music relevant to daily life again. This song by Aaron Lewis has gone VIRAL...

Inglorious-patr... 741 Vues

IGP3 00143 — Bill Barr is FIRED & GONE 0    0

Yes, Barr is history, and General Michael Flynn may take his place. OOOOHHH! Bad news for The DemonRats

Inglorious-patr... 907 Vues

IGP3 00120 — 3l3ction Rigging and DS Media 0    0

The gaslightig by MSM and the Techno-Nazis is getting toxic. The following is what I paste into every "fact-check" window I see. Just click on the 3 dots to the le...

Inglorious-patr... 909 Vues

IGP3 00112 — Georgia will re-do POTUS voting 0    0

Georgia is ordered to redo the election The Demon rats are fuckedGeorgia is ordered to redo the election The Demon rats are fucked. Their-Tube still putting "fact-check&amp...

Inglorious-patr... 767 Vues

IGP3 00104 — DemonRats Step on their own Deeek 0    0

Reliable information says that OFFICIAL absentee ballots, and mail-in ballots that were printed by the US Government have Invisible watermarks, which will distinguish them from COUNTERFEIT ballots pri...

Inglorious-patr... 833 Vues

IGP3 00100 — Trump LANDSLIDE — Soy-boy Socialists Defeat... 0    0

The DemonRats knew they lost (at least) a month ago. Expect tantrums from domestic terrorists, and expect militia to respond to the threats. Kamala uses doppelganger https://youtu.be/qo7dg80FxTo ...

Whirlwind-revol... 946 Vues

IGP3 00095 — Texas needs to go RED — El Paso Kung-Flu 0    0

See BCP / Open Source News: https://youtu.be/flBz--KWObI Mexican Navy siezes 25 tons of Fentanyl headed for USA https://tinyurl.com/FentRaid As just ONE of the myriad of reasons why every Texa...

Inglorious-patr... 851 Vues

IGP3 00087 — Sleepy Quid Pro Quo Joe is OUT 0    0

Uncle Joe is out of the race. The DemonRats cannot replace him at this stage. Voter Fraud is moot, because Trump is running uncontested; he doesn't have anyone to run against.

Inglorious-patr... 905 Vues

IGP3 00049 — House Resolution will start Revolution 0    0

Scumbags in The Demon House insult all of us for speaking TRUTH, and for DARING to listen to our PROVEN Truther: Article used here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-resolution/11...

Inglorious-patr... 852 Vues

IGP2 00037 — Burn the whole fizzukin' thing down 0    0

The DemonRats have already lost 2020, and they know it. Their attempt to "burn it {America} down" will result in their annihilation.

Inglorious-patr... 721 Vues


The Demons have ALREADY lost — and they know it. If they're able to cheat this election, we are going to have to go to WAR to take back this Country.

Inglorious-patr... 806 Vues

IGP2 00020 — Zero Day Patriot Response 0    0

The DemonRats LOST the 2020 Presidential Election. Patriots already won. Celebrate with us in a modern rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. I'm sorry, I do not know or recognize the artist.

Inglorious-patr... 785 Vues

IGP2 00017 — And you thought Di-Lithium Crystals are Scien... 0    0

NEW Tesla technology will change the world even more dramatically than Personal Computers, Cell Phones, and the Internet. This is NOT a joke. Now we see PART of the reason The DemonRats want Trump gon...

Inglorious-patr... 828 Vues

IGP RSDBOMB — Roger Stone Drops a BOMB on the Demons 0    0

Roger Stone reveals corruption in his prosecution for NOTHING Roger Stone on Parler: https://share.par.pw/post/01799bc6dbd6471fbe1693205da4c72c Please support this channel https://www.paypal....

Inglorious-patr... 796 Vues