Search results for Ball

CNN reports Smartmatic VOTE FRAUD 0    0

CNN says SMARTMATIC is used for VOTER FRAUD in 2006. CNN, who has long claimed that the software and mail-in Ballots of the 2020 election were the most secure in history, do a full news report in ...

Inglorious-patr... 955 views

Roy Blunt Arrested 0    0

Roy Blunt taken out in handcuffs. Two down, 200,000.more to go. Exponential take-down coming. DJT is STILL POTUS. #BackTheBlue Please Support Us And all Our Intel & hard work PL...

Inglorious-patr... 1,120 views

FBI reports 500,000 fake ballots; Sean Hannity: US in deep t... 0    0

UPDATE with news breaking out at 6pm after we shot the episode today: Supreme Court has rejected theState of Texas’s “Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint.” However for now, I would like...

Inglorious-patr... 843 views

IGP3 00132 — Lock n' Load Time to do Patriot Shit 0    0

Bill Barr says Voter Fraud not enough to overturn Biden election. This is total bullshit. Maybe LEAD Ballots will work better huh?

Inglorious-patr... 959 views


At the request of Senator Doug Mastriano (R-Adams/Cumberland/Franklin/York), the Senate Majority Policy Committee is holding a public hearing Wednesday to discuss 2020 election issues and irregulariti...

Inglorious-patr... 1,014 views

Trump votes crushed cheating system; Shocking Frankfurt serv... 0    0

Brian Trascher told NEWSMAX in a Nov. 18 interview that the Trump team has recovered raw data from Dominion Voting servers seized in Germany. He said the data will be made public, including informatio...

Inglorious-patr... 1,366 views

FRAUD CLAIMS: Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Good Day New Yor... 0    0

President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani aggressively made the case on Thursday for the Trump campaign's legal challenge of the 2020 election results, alleging in a fiery news conference that...

Inglorious-patr... 940 views

554 TRUMP WILL WIN 554 Rudy Giuliani Says LEGAL CHALLENGES... 0    0

President Donald Trump has announced a news conference to provide an update on his challenge to the results of the 2020 election. In a tweet on Thursday morning, Trump said, "Impor...

Inglorious-patr... 950 views

IGP3 00121 — S3rv3rs Siezed 0    0

MASSIVE Election Fraud World-wide UNCOVERED. Scytl Servers Siezed in Frankfurt RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD See: ...

Inglorious-patr... 886 views

Scytl Frankfurt servers containing ballot data seized; Trump... 0    0

Fasten your seat belts, todays show is going to be a ride that has twists and turns. Larry Johnson writes that the US military does not have legal authority to seize servers in other countries, but h...

Inglorious-patr... 862 views

IGP3 00110 — Ballot Forensic Watermark Scanners 0    0

I told you all last week THE BallOTS ARE FORENSICALLY MARKED. The level of "being fűckěd" is astronomical. No way out of THIS one,...

Inglorious-patr... 847 views

IGP3 00107 — My Call with Plymouth Fury 0    0

Sean and I have a conversation about the FĂKÊ Bąĺlots Let's get OurTube some subs

Inglorious-patr... 828 views

IGP3 00106 — MSM says Winner Joe with FAKE Ballots PROVEN 0    0

DHS has watermarked & Forensic ally tagged all Ballots. Deep-State automatons caught by National Guard forging fake Ballots printed in ...

David-trent33 895 views

IGP3 00104 — DemonRats Step on their own Deeek 0    0

Reliable information says that OFFICIAL absentee Ballots, and mail-in Ballots that were printed by the US Government have Invisible watermarks, which will distinguish them from COUNTERFEIT Ballots pri...

Inglorious-patr... 876 views

IGP3 00057 — DECLAS inyerr Azz 0    0

POTUS releases DECLAS on the Coup attempt with NO REDACTIONS. I Told you SHTF on October 2. Watch the turdBalls flush themselves now. See X22 Report

Inglorious-patr... 940 views