What evil lurks... Featured


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For discussion on this and other aspects of feminism's Women As Victims of Their Own Choices narrative, watch Pussycat cast 17 on the Honey Badger Radio (https://youtu.be/iKVowUQUwJA) or Badger Livestreams (https://youtu.be/8AFeekkfn34) channels. All images used in this video that are not memes came from pixabay.com or pexel.com and are listed as free for commercial use, no attribution required. Sound effects are 1) from a variety of old cartoons and movies that are in the public domain or 2) samples of less than 8 seconds, used for the purpose of satire, and thus covered twice under fair use.

Published 6 years ago

Category Video  /  Uncategorized

Tagsgender issues humor women men pregnancy politics Knock-up fairy

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