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sm369489 - 源平討魔伝PV | Genpei Tōma Den Preview 0    0

Original NND URL: Bizarre live-action and animated footage meant to advertise "Genpei Touma Den." which was released on bot...

Cabbusses 844 views

美少女戦士セーラームーンセーラーズターズ... 0    0

Support Team-Europe (like usual): Hey, anyone remember when this was up on Youtube? I do, otherwise I probably wouldn't have felt something missing now, when I can...

Cabbusses 864 views

【競馬 de フィールライブ?】ファミコンでA-... 0    0

This bit of gaming obscurity is an application designed for the Famicom Communication Adapter Set. From what I can make on the visuals, it's a horse race-betting game. This was originally on NicoNi...

Cabbusses 915 views

美少女戦士セーラームーンセーラーズターズ... 0    0

Support Team-Europe (like usual): Hey, anyone remember when this was up on Youtube? I do, otherwise I probably wouldn't have felt something missing now, when I can...

Cabbusses 952 views

sm20541982 - ファミリーコンピュータ ディ�... 0    0

Original NND URL: This was requested by the BS Zelda Homepage community years back. Thankfully it's recently become available in a watchable quality. Th...

Cabbusses 930 views

NND Videos Combined - ノリマロはこうして生まれ�... 0    0

Original NND URL: http://www.nicovi...

Cabbusses 953 views

554 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S 554 for Pico (re-up) | �... 0    0

Support Team-Europe (like usual): Hey, anyone remember when this was up on Youtube? I do, otherwise I probably wouldn't have felt something missing now, when I can...

Cabbusses 983 views

554 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS 554 for Pico | 美�... 0    0

Support Team-Europe (like usual): Hey, anyone remember when this was up on Youtube? I do, otherwise I probably wouldn't have felt something missing now, when I can...

Cabbusses 1,038 views

SEGA_CHANNEL_01.bin - Early Sega Channel BIOs prototype 0    0

This oughta go along good with the Sega Channel Game Guide recording. This ROM was released alongside it. Besides the very early version of the Sega Channel logo, this has tests of the menus, loade...

Cabbusses 1,059 views

Sega Channel Game Guide 0    0

It's been nearly a year since this ROM was released, and no video? Time for me to put it up, I guess! This was simply labeled "Sega Channel Game Guide" and... it s...

Cabbusses 1,017 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] プラネットメッセージクイズ | Pla... 0    0

Another one from the big Sega Channel find. This Japan-exclusive was designed to teach children the basics of astrology and astronomy. Besides the info and quiz, there is also a horoscope and star cha...

Cabbusses 964 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Canadian Game Guide Demo 12/95 (buggy) 0    0

At first I wondered if it was my emulator, but 02/96 boots a lot better, so chalk this up to a bugged proto.

Cabbusses 860 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Sega Channel Game Guide 3/1995 (03GUID95.BIN) 0    0

I was hoping to have better things today but it seems my attempts to load the Sega Channel software on a PCEm Win95 setup failed.

Cabbusses 934 views

[Sega Channel] Sega Channel Game Guide 2/1996 (GUID0296.BIN) 0    0

This is the first explicit reference to Garfield: The Lost Levels I can find in the entire set here. :O "Test Drives"? Why would it be there, if it was never gonna...

Cabbusses 950 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Comix Zone Test Drive - Page 2 (Prototype) 0    0

After checking the Sega Channel Menu Demos, I went back into drx's prior Sega proto leak. There were a few "Sega Channel" labeled ROMs in there. One in particular I r...

Cabbusses 907 views