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[PICO] O Rei Leao - As Aventuras De Simba | The Lion King (T... 1    0

Support team-Europe! And up to this point I thought only the Japanese Pico games had luck-based bull... XP Nothing more frustrating than being dealt an impossible...

Cabbusses 1,071 views

[PICO] パケット2 ゆかいな仲間とゲームで数... 1    0

Support team-Europe: The first Packet game has a problem emulating that keeps it from being completed. This one only has a problem with a single piece of bonus con...

Cabbusses 975 views

[PICO] くもんの すくすくれっすん 1から30まで... 1    0

Support team-Europe! Normally, bears are bad news. But these ones teach you how to count! This seems to be designed for the especially young, as it's very basic a...

Cabbusses 1,047 views

[PICO] みんなでおどろう オズのまほうつかい ... 1    0

Support team-Europe! Well, if there's any one recording that I'd call the "Special Musical Episode", I guess this has to be it! T...

Cabbusses 1,096 views

[PICO] 特捜戦隊デカレンジャー | Tokusou Sentai De... 1    0

Support team-Europe! So yeah, I followed up a Kamen Rider fighting game with a Sentai fighting game again. ... WOW! Somehow they pulled more stops than usual for...

Cabbusses 948 views

[PICO] ドレミファアニマルズの たのしいえん�... 1    0

Support team-Europe! This seems to be the Japanese version of "Musical Zoo". I really hope the content isn't as small as it seems...

Cabbusses 1,053 views

[PICO] ペンギンうきうき びっくりすいぞくか�... 1    0

Support team-Europe! The Japanese version of "Pepe's Puzzles". Running this on Kega Fusion is a bit of a pain on that last miniga...

Cabbusses 1,646 views

[PICO] 学研のおべんきょうソフト かず・すう�... 1    0

Support team-Europe! Well, there you have it, folks. I died and went to hell. In a Sega Pico game. And this is what it's like.

Cabbusses 1,005 views

[PICO] 101匹わんちゃん わんちゃんだいこうし�... 1    0

Support team-Europe! The voice glitches in this are game-breaking, ouch. My ears! This applies to ALL the versions - US, Korean, or even the demo in the Pico Sam...

Cabbusses 1,098 views

[PICO] ミニモニ。えいごであそぶんだぴょん�... 1    0

Support team-Europe! I've been working on another project while recording these Pico games, so I apologize in advance if there are delays or quality decays.

Cabbusses 992 views

[PICO] ドナルドのおばけたいじ | 554 Donald no Ob... 1    0

Support team-Europe! It's been a while since I played a Sega Pico game, so this one was meant to be a practice to get me back in my groove. Much to my surprise, ho...

Cabbusses 1,036 views

[PICO] BF ビーファイ ターカブト | 554 B-Fighter K... 1    0

Support team-Europe! I am completely stumped on how to get the last, giant three cards/stamps/whatever-they-are. Hopefully I can keep that password around....

Cabbusses 888 views

[PICO] 明日のナージャ | 554 Ashita no Nadja 554 for... 1    0

Support team-Europe! One of the thumbnail options JUST managed to be the highlight of me recording this game. Mwahahaha~!

Cabbusses 990 views