Search results for son

Transformers Skyquake Tributes 0    0

song : the elements toby mac all images and music belongs to their respective owners i own nothin #transformer #skyquake

Hordemaster1 896 views

Transformers Dreadwings Tribute 0    0

song : My own worst enemy Robert pettersson all images and music belongs to their respective owners i own nothin #transformer #dreadwing

Hordemaster1 897 views

Livestream Highlight - 10/27/2015 - Popped the shop 0    0

From when checking Segasonic Popcorn Shop for the first time. After a lot of experimenting I finally found the closest thing the game has to an actual fail state.

Cabbusses 918 views

Livestream Highlight - 10/5/2015 - BS F-Zero x Daytona x Rid... 0    0

While working on my MSU1 audio swaps for F-Zero, I was alerted by TouyaShiro that Takenobu Mitsuyoshi made a song for a recent Ridge Racer game. I hastily set up a separate set of audio swaps for t...

Cabbusses 908 views

Livestream Highlight - 9/25/2015 - Sonic says 554 a police ... 0    0

From when "Waku Waku sonic Patrol Car" was freshly ROM dumped. sonic's prior references to and interactions with police became a lot funnier in light of this.

Cabbusses 862 views

Livestream Highlight - 1/14/2016 - This is really Miffed up. 0    0

This highlight took effort to dig outta my archives for some reason. Hope it was worth it. This is from my live play of the Miffy game for the Beena. I... take it nothing like this happens in the ...

Cabbusses 911 views

Warhammer 40k Chaos marines Tribute dg 0    0

song: nightmare rockit gaming all images and music belongs to their respective owners i own nothing #warhammer40k #chaos

Hordemaster1 1,027 views

Critical Role Caleb Widogast's Tribute 0    0

song : I see fire feuerschwanz cover images and music belong to their respective owners I own nothing #criticalrole #calebwidogast

Hordemaster1 938 views

Dreamcast Sega Smash Pack Sonic 3 music rip - & Knuckles... 0    0

Here's a track that sounds kinda cool in this form even if it's not entirely accurate. YouTube is telling me to tell people to join and become a member for reasons, so here's the link for that ...

Cabbusses 1,010 views

[プレイステーション] エクストラブライト | ... 0    0

A demo of a Japan-only release I'm not that familiar with. It seems to be a shooter guided along race-track-esque rails. Very anime. Thanks for watching! As with all YouTube channels, likes, subscr...

Cabbusses 1,028 views

AMPS in Sonic 2 on Sega Smash Pack for Dreamcast music rip -... 0    0

BTW, just a reminder that the actual 2-player mode in sonic 2 is basically unplayable in AMPS in sonic 2 on Sega Smash Pack. YouTube is telling me to tell people to join and become a member for rea...

Cabbusses 923 views

Dreamcast Sega Smash Pack Sonic 3 music rip - & Knuckles... 0    0

Another half-decent sounding variation. YouTube is telling me to tell people to join and become a member for reasons, so here's the link for that ~

Cabbusses 872 views

Dreamcast Sega Smash Pack Sonic 3 music rip - Lava Reef 1 0    0

Another... decent-sound variation. YouTube is telling me to tell people to join and become a member for reasons, so here's the link for that ~

Cabbusses 886 views

Sega Shinsaku Game Shokai Video VOL. 7 - Early Sonic 1 foota... 0    0

Clipped from the original YouTube upload by wadelyjp; This is making big waves in the sonic preservationist scene so I thought I'd spread the word. This...

Cabbusses 954 views

Super Street Fighter II L.E. Manual (Sega Channel Nov 17, 19... 0    0

A reminder that this documentation exists~ (was mostly done since it seemed people at sonic Retro didn't really notice it. XP) This is the "manual" for &a...

Cabbusses 932 views