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IGP3 00049 — House Resolution will start Revolution 0    0

Scumbags in the Demon House insult all of us for speaking TRUTH, and for DARING to listen to our PROVEN Truther: Article used here:

Inglorious-patr... 891 views

IGP3 00048 — Project Veritas Voter Fraud Part 2 0    0

Undercover investigation into ballot harvesting. This is not an isolated case.... This is happening all over the country. This is the ONLY WAY DemonRats get "elected"...

Inglorious-patr... 899 views

IGP3 00047 — Plymouth Fury Rails on Comey Hildebeast Conne... 0    0

My good friend Plymouth Fury up in Canada RAILS on this document, showing the ties between the Kevlar Küünt and the Comey brothers. Gordian knots of corruption you will see WHY. We told you YEARS AG...

Inglorious-patr... 884 views

IGP2 00046 — Imagine the Second Revolution 0    0

The FEAR of Patriots is the catalyst for DemonRat insanity. Tomorrow's video might start the SECOND American Revolution. California is REALLY a RED State

Inglorious-patr... 839 views

IGP 00045 — Project Veritas catches Omar Voter Fraud 0    0

Project Veritas should be made a branch of the Intelligence Community. WTF? The FBI couldn't do this? Project Veritas video used here

Inglorious-patr... 882 views

IGP2 00044 — MOAB Drops on Cabal Social Media Criminals 0    0

Social Media CEOs are tied to terrorist organizations. Arrests for Treason, and seizure of Corporate assets is Imminent. {Hey, Mr. President... leave some for us}. See article from this video: ...

Inglorious-patr... 861 views

IGP2 00042 — CDA Section 230 1 Step Closer to Repeal 0    0

POTUS met to discuss what to do about online censorship. The Techno-Nazis are about to get hammered.

Inglorious-patr... 894 views

IGP2 00041 — Seattle hires Pimp — City doomed to burn 0    0

In a move straight out of Creedmore Psychiatric Hospital in the parallel universe known as the Twilight Zone, City of Seattle fires the cops, and hires a FUCKIN' PIMP to "poe-leece&am...

Inglorious-patr... 917 views

IGP2 00040 — Creepy Joe Indicted in Ukraine 0    0

Creepy Joe and his son Hunter were indicted for corruption in Ukraine. The list of charges will be released within 24 hours. See also ht...

Inglorious-patr... 908 views

IGP2 00039 — Creepy Joe Banned Recording 0    0

See Glen Beck video Panis sets in:

Inglorious-patr... 865 views

IGP2 00037 — Burn the whole fizzukin' thing down 0    0

The DemonRats have already lost 2020, and they know it. Their attempt to "burn it {America} down" will result in their annihilation.

Inglorious-patr... 761 views

IGP2 00036 — USVI Subpoenas 3pst3in 21 years of flight log... 0    0

Attorney General in the US Virgin Island wants ALL flight logs for ALL Epstein's planes going back to 1998. Panic among the "elite" World-wide. See Daniel Lee http...

Inglorious-patr... 847 views

IGP2 00035 — Spiritual Civil War — Jim Caveizel 0    0

Jim Caviezel (who played Jesus in Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ") has some chilling reminders for "Armchair Patriots".

Inglorious-patr... 861 views