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FRAUD CLAIMS: Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Good Day New Yor... 0    0

President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani aggressively made the case on Thursday for the Trump campaign's legal challenge of the 2020 election results, alleging in a fiery news conference that...

Inglorious-patr... 943 views

Here's The CENSORED Trump Press Conference That EVERY AMERIC... 0    0

The Trump campaign provided an update on their election legal challenges from the Republican National Committee. Personal attorney for President Trump, Rudy Giuliani said the campaign will likely file...

Inglorious-patr... 920 views

554 TRUMP WILL WIN 554 Rudy Giuliani Says LEGAL CHALLENGES... 0    0

President Donald Trump has announced a news conference to provide an update on his challenge to the results of the 2020 election. In a tweet on Thursday morning, Trump said, "Impor...

Inglorious-patr... 952 views

IGP3 00121 — S3rv3rs Siezed 0    0

MASSIVE Election Fraud World-wide UNCOVERED. Scytl Servers Siezed in Frankfurt RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD See: ...

Inglorious-patr... 889 views

This is why Trump signed 2018 EO and how Trump will serve a ... 0    0

The Hidden Things In Front of Your Eyes YouTube Channel: Pimpy’s Twitter Page: Pimpy on Parler ...

Inglorious-patr... 909 views

American Votes Tallied In Foreign Countries | Rudy Giuliani ... 0    0

Don’t forget to comment below with your Common Sense and subscribe to my podcast at ► Connect with Rudy Giuliani on Twitter: ► ...

Inglorious-patr... 933 views

IGP3 00120 — 3l3ction Rigging and DS Media 0    0

The gaslightig by MSM and the Techno-Nazis is getting toxic. The following is what I paste into every "fact-check" window I see. Just click on the 3 dots to the le...

Inglorious-patr... 943 views

Scytl Frankfurt servers containing ballot data seized; Trump... 0    0

Fasten your seat belts, todays show is going to be a ride that has twists and turns. Larry Johnson writes that the US military does not have legal authority to seize servers in other countries, but h...

Inglorious-patr... 864 views

IGP3 00119 — Siezed Server in Germany Trump 410 EC 0    0

I told all of you the day before yesterday about the US military seizing Dominion servers in Germany. How did I KNOW? I have SOURCES. Here is verification that my post 2 days ago was true. https://yo...

Inglorious-patr... 821 views

EP 2198-6PM President Trump’s Legal Team Summoned to White... 0    0

PETE SANTILLI SHOW #2198-6PM EASTERN MONDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2020 BROADCAST LINK: EP 2198-6PM President Trump’s Legal Team Summoned to White House for Emerge...

Inglorious-patr... 831 views

IGP3 00117 — DenBi my pet Turkey Croaked. 0    0

Yes, folks, due to the apparent reprieve my pet Turkey DenBi thought he had, when Lori Lightfoot proposed limiting, or doing away with Thanksgiving family gatherings, he croaked when he learned we are...

Inglorious-patr... 894 views

IGP3 00116 — SCYTL Raid by US Military CONFIRMED 0    0

Hat-tip to Subscriber 'Lucky 4Life' for the link to article here: See my 2 prior related videos I

Inglorious-patr... 816 views

Warhammer 40k Alternative Heresy Tributes 0    0

song : gods and kings finding iris all images and music belongs to their respective owners i own nothing #warhammer40k

Hordemaster1 1,075 views