Search results for fighting

[3DO] ウルトラマンパワード | Ultraman Powered (Liv... 0    0

A demo of the Tokusatsu-themed fighting game by Bandai. It's very short and very abrupt. You get a brief, like, 20 or so seconds to have Ultraman fight, and then you're sent back to the demo men...

Cabbusses 1,003 views

[PCE] Mad Stalker (PC-Engine Hyper Catalog 5) 0    0

And on the note of magazine demos which are the same as Taikenban standalones more or less,I would not be surprised if such is the case with this Mad Stalker demo. There's a prolonged promotional c...

Cabbusses 931 views

[PCE] Mad Stalker: Full Metal Force - Sample Disc 0    0

Oohhh, so it turned out this demo is different from the PC Engine Hyper Catalog one! Now I gotta be on the lookout for more "different" demos. The &quo...

Cabbusses 1,021 views

[Mega CD] Samurai Shodown (Europe) (Demo) 0    0

Dug around for demos again. I tried looking for Mega/Sega CD ones. There doesn't seem ot be that many even compared to PC-Engine, but I managed a few. This European Samsho demo restricts the charac...

Cabbusses 967 views

[セガサターン] マーブル・スーパーヒーロー... 0    0

This is my first try using Mednafen to record something. Unfortunately my CPU specs aren't good enough for Saturn's 3D powerhouses, but at least I managed to play this one smoothly. This demo of Ma...

Cabbusses 1,068 views

[セガサターン] ヴァンパイア ハンター S... 0    0

For some reason, even though this is supposedly a Japanese sample disc, the game plays entirely in English. It's also oddly-featured for a sampler - the arcade mode has endings even though you only...

Cabbusses 1,008 views

[セガサターン] ファイティングバイパーズ �... 0    0

I tried doing this recording with mednafen's internal recording tools. (It was the only way on my setup for the outplay to play at the correct framerate.) I had to keep it short because the final fil...

Cabbusses 920 views

[セガサターン] アドヴァンスド・ヴァリアブ... 0    0

A demo of the Saturn version of Variable Geo. For some reason the control inputs feel laggy... You can only have a Yuka (1P) vs. Satomi (CPU) match. There does not seem to be any way to skip the at...

Cabbusses 1,011 views

[セガサターン] Golden Axe: The Duel (Tech サターン... 0    0

How peculiar. There are a few Golden Axe: The Duel demos that restrict you to Rain Blade, but this particular one restricts you to Milan Flare instead. Maybe it's the waifu pandering?

Cabbusses 916 views

[セガサターン] 水滸演武 | Dark Legend (Tech サ�... 0    0

A demo of the Saturn port of the game known in arcades as "Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty". Why does this have so many different names? Jeez. Anyway, this has three pla...

Cabbusses 997 views

[セガサターン] 羅媚斗 Rabbit (Tech Saturn 1997/9) 0    0

You know, even as someone who plays obscure games often, this is still an example of a "game I never heard of before I played this." This demo of the Electronic Ar...

Cabbusses 961 views

[セガサターン] Street Fighter Collection Trial Edition 0    0

Since Mednafen has been struggling with Playstation lately, I decided it was totally out of the picture for Saturn. So for this video I went to Yabause. And hoh BOY was the setup a pain in the butt, b...

Cabbusses 963 views

[セガサターン] Fighting Illusion K-1 Grand Prix (Flas... 0    0

A demo of the kickboxing game by Xing. The demo has 4 playable characters and you seem to go through all of them in the VS. CPU mode, though the game is tough enough for me to learn that I did not get...

Cabbusses 1,050 views

(BAD EMULATION WARNING) [セガサターン] Zero Divide: Th... 0    0

I'm having a power outage so here's some bad emulation to represent my current life status. This demo of the Saturn Zero Divide entry has difficulty booting on anything other than YabaSanshiro, as ...

Cabbusses 1,001 views

Sega Pico Music - Battle (Kamen Rider Agito & Kuuga Wild... 0    0

Weirdly enough, the fighting song, of all ones in the game, is the one that sounds the most upbeat and cheery. Kind of a "huh?" moment from Bandai here.

Cabbusses 959 views