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NicoNico Videos Combined - アニメ版ポケットモンス... 0    0

Original NicoNico URLs: http://...

Cabbusses 933 views

【SFC】中古百円デザエモン買ったらシュール... 0    0

Original NND URL: There's some Dezaemon user-made games that seem to be pretty much impossible to get a playable version of, so I guess these videos will ...

Cabbusses 961 views

Some Pokémon VHS Promo ads (Macrovision workaround testing) 0    0

These were ripped from the Japanese "Pikachu no Natsuyasumi" VHS. I bought this in my childhood - the first ever thing I imported from Japan - and apparently this is ...

Cabbusses 926 views

[VHS修復更新] マリオとヨッシーの冒険ランド... 0    0

Released to celebrate the original edition's 1 milllion+ views, magiblot has given the VHS restoration of the Super Mario World anime a further look and tweaked more things! Among the differences? ...

Cabbusses 1,024 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Primal Rage: Test Drive 0    0

Ahh, it feels good to be uploading Legit Sega Channel ROM footage again! Recorded for hidden-palace: Found in the Sega Disk Archive. This Primal Rage demo lets you fi...

Cabbusses 908 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Game Guide Demo - Sega Channel Game Instructi... 0    0

Recorded for Hidden-Palace! This is a LOT of game manuals. Probably of most interest is "Mega Man: The Wily Wars" and &quo...

Cabbusses 891 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Canadian Game Guide Demo 12/95 (buggy) 0    0

At first I wondered if it was my emulator, but 02/96 boots a lot better, so chalk this up to a bugged proto.

Cabbusses 860 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Sega Channel Menu Demo 2/1995 (0295DEMO.BIN) 0    0

Once again, it is difficult to do these in sequence, and this time, it's because I can't seem to find January. Or at least, not the "regular" January, that is. &a...

Cabbusses 953 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Sega Channel Menu Demo 3/1995 (0395DEMO.BIN) 0    0

Yeah, as you can see, I am trying to record as many of these as I can ASAP. This one is for March 1995, and has a St. Patrick's Day theme with neat little animations!

Cabbusses 890 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Sega Channel Menu Demo - Earthworm Jim Race/F... 0    0

EDITED: Fact checked. This seems to be more a WIP of the Febuary menu that has the January content mostly left intact, except for the background graphic on bootup. I wonder if the that graphic is s...

Cabbusses 971 views

[SEGA CHANNEL] Sega Channel Menu Demo 4/1995 (0495DEMO.BIN) 0    0

Now featuring SONIC MANIA! ... And the baffling part is, the description almost fits the upcoming game as well!

Cabbusses 884 views