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IGP3 00120 — 3l3ction Rigging and DS Media 0    0

The gaslightig by MSM and the Techno-Nazis is getting toxic. The following is what I paste into every "fact-check" window I see. Just click on the 3 dots to the le...

Inglorious-patr... 941 views

Scytl Frankfurt servers containing ballot data seized; Trump... 0    0

Fasten your seat belts, todays show is going to be a ride that has twists and turns. Larry Johnson writes that the US military does not have legal authority to seize servers in other countries, but h...

Inglorious-patr... 862 views

IGP3 00119 — Siezed Server in Germany Trump 410 EC 0    0

I told all of you the day before yesterday about the US military seizing Dominion servers in Germany. How did I KNOW? I have SOURCES. Here is verification that my post 2 days ago was true. https://yo...

Inglorious-patr... 819 views

Ep. 1395 More Troubling Questions Emerge About the Election ... 0    0

For show notes, visit This show is brought to you by Express VPN In this episod...

Inglorious-patr... 933 views

EP 2198-6PM President Trump’s Legal Team Summoned to White... 0    0

PETE SANTILLI SHOW #2198-6PM EASTERN MONDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2020 BROADCAST LINK: EP 2198-6PM President Trump’s Legal Team Summoned to White House for Emerge...

Inglorious-patr... 830 views

IGP3 00117 — DenBi my pet Turkey Croaked. 0    0

Yes, folks, due to the apparent reprieve my pet Turkey denBi thought he had, when Lori Lightfoot proposed limiting, or doing away with Thanksgiving family gatherings, he croaked when he learned we are...

Inglorious-patr... 892 views

IGP3 00114 — Glitch my Arse 0    0

Dominion Software is said to have "glitched" in Biden's favor. I explain what a "glitch" really is, and why the MSM is blowin' smoke...

Inglorious-patr... 813 views

IGP3 00113 — Adam Andrzejewski The Depth of the Swamp 0    0

This video is re-posted with permission of Hillsdale College. End of video has recording of phone call, giving permission to use this material. Adam Andrzejewski is the founder and CEO of http://w...

Inglorious-patr... 1,026 views

IGP3 00106 — MSM says Winner Joe with FAKE Ballots PROVEN 0    0

DHS has watermarked & Forensic ally tagged all ballots. Deep-State automatons caught by National Guard forging fake ballots printed in ...

David-trent33 895 views

IGP3 00107 — Meet us on the Battlefields of the Revolution 0    0

Associated Press jumps the gun; calls Cho-Mo Joe "President". This bullshyte will not stand. TDS victims headed for terminal stage of Libtardosis.

David-trent33 929 views

IGP3 00090 — Bidens sought for questioning Hunter MIA 1    0

Reliable sources say Biden Family may be under arrest. Hunter is MIA. See Rudy Giuliani podcast People v. Cleague, 22 N.Y.2d 363 (1968) https://sch...

Inglorious-patr... 975 views

IGP3 00084F — They're Desperate alright HB Video Down 1    0

I uploaded the HB video with all the "adult" flags, and multiple warnings to Inglorious Patriots 4 channel. There was NO "inappropriate content&a...

Inglorious-patr... 926 views

IGP3 00082 — Laptop from Hell worse than Weiner's 0    0

Yes, folks.... more incriminating evidence has yet to be released. No doubt, we will see it this week.

Inglorious-patr... 881 views