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[PICO] ちびまる子ちゃん いっしょにあそぼう�... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! An older dump, I just hadn't gotten around to playing it yet. I suppose there is not really any "good" en...

Cabbusses 1,095 views

[BEENA] いっしょにへんしん フレッシュプリキ... 1    0

I actually have a few Beena carts I need to record on my backlog. Trying to catch up a bit now! Fresh Precure here seems pretty similar to the other Precure games up to this point. But that said, s...

Cabbusses 1,057 views

[PICO] 学研のおべんきょうソフト えいご AB... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! I get the feeling I didn't find every minigame in this, but this recording went on long enough anyway...

Cabbusses 1,012 views

[BEENA] オシャレ魔女 ラブ and ベリー キュート... 1    0

Got another Beena game vid up! I'm not entirely sure if I'd want to share the fashion sense Love and Berry have with any future daughters I would theoretically (not) have. The most notable thing a...

Cabbusses 1,006 views

[BEENA] 古代王者 恐竜キング Dキッズ・アドベ�... 1    0

Oh hey, another Beena game! For whatever other info is on the internet, look up the title "Kodai Ouja Kyouryuu King D-Kids Adventure: Dino Slash! Kyouryuu Battle!!"...

Cabbusses 925 views

[PICO] 3丁目のタマ モモちゃんはどこ! | 554... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! Decided to record this after KigurumiRinRin asked about a Tama and Friends game on Sega Pico. As far as I can tell, this is the only one. K...

Cabbusses 991 views

Exciting! Hataraku Norimono-tachi | エキサイティング... 1    0

From the GoodPico set, as opposed to previous dumps from Team-Europe. Regardless, I'm obligated to tell you to support Team-Europe anyway. They're working on VTech stuff...

Cabbusses 1,073 views

[PICO] スヌーピーのがくげいかい | 554 Snoopy no... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! I was feeling sick when I recorded this, so that one last minigame was realyl geting to me. Sorry for not recording the win condition. I'm pre...

Cabbusses 1,034 views

[PICO] Mickys lustiges Abenteuer (Germany) (Unreleased) | �... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! I finally managed to figure out how to play this all the way through, so I recorded it. Oddly enough, this version functions better in Kega...

Cabbusses 1,035 views

[PICO] 벅스 라이프 | 韓国語版 バグズ·ライフ... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! Decided to play the Korean version of this because it was a while since I did a Korean upload (also had some Japanese version footage buried s...

Cabbusses 906 views

[BEENA] 侍戦隊シンケンジャー | Samurai Sentai Shin... 1    0

Another Beena game! Shinkenger is very similar to Go-onger, the previous sentai-based Beena game I tried. It even has the same voiceover over all the touch pen actions!

Cabbusses 959 views