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MENGEJUTKAN! Ini Terjadi Selepas Syed Saddiq Dipanggil Pihak... 0    0

Sumber berkata, pihaknya sudah memanggil Syed Saddiq ketika tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) fasa pertama dilaksanakan, untuk dirakam keterangan berhubung kejadian itu. SUBSCRIBE Our Channe...

Dramaone 942 views

PANAS! Zahid Hamidi Gesa Kerajaan Lebih Jujur Agih Bantuan B... 0    0

Presidennya, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, beliau mendengar banyak keluhan ramai rakyat di media sosial bahawa mereka masih belum mendapat BPN seperti yang dijanjikan. SUBSCRIBE DramaOn...

Dramaone 919 views

Covid-1984 from Truth Factory YouTube channel 0    0

Here are some links if you'd like to support my work: Subscribe Star: Paypal Donation/Tip: https://www.paypa...

Inglorious-patr... 952 views

MENGEJUTKAN! Kedah Bakal Tukar Kerajaan? Mahathir & Mukh... 0    0

Keahlian Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad & Mukhriz Mahathir sebagai ahli Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) mungkin bakal dilucutkan. Sementara Kedah mungkin akan bertukar kerajaan. S...

Dramaone 1,074 views

SAH! Speaker Dewan Rakyat Terima Usul Tidak Percaya Terhadap... 0    0

Speaker Dewan Rakyat, Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Mohd Yusof menerima usul Ahli Parlimen Langkawi, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad untuk mengemukakan undi tidak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Y...

Dramaone 929 views

IGP MSMPAROT — Scripted MSM BS Demonstration 0    0

A short video to show your friends who get their News from the "Boob Tube".

Inglorious-patr... 913 views

IGP FLYNNCNG — DOJ Drops Flynn Case 0    0

Fox News reports Adam Schitt & Deep State are in deep shyte Flynn can sue under DOJ and Individuals 18USC §1983, §241, §242 Non-existent Aband...

Inglorious-patr... 872 views

IGP DS ARREST — Comey, Strozk, Page ARRESTED 0    0

Several unvetted sources are reporting Deep-State arrests. I'll believe it when the Communist News Network (CNN) has no choice but to report it, and try to bullshit their way around it.

Inglorious-patr... 875 views

IGP CBSPVER — Project Veritas catches CBS in Fake CV news 0    0

The MSM is caught AGAIN. How many bullshit stories will it take before YOU stop paying to be brainwashed?

Inglorious-patr... 907 views

IGP CUOMOCV — NY Cuomo sends KF Patients to die 0    0

Cuomo mandated CV patients be sent to nursing homes — and sent body bags along with them. See Dan Bongino Daily Wire article

Inglorious-patr... 866 views

MENGEJUTKAN! KKM Beri Amᶐran Ke̩s Meningkat 2 Minggu Akan... 0    0

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) memberi amaran kemungkinan berlaku peningkatan kes dalam tempoh dua minggu akan datang. SUBSCRIBE DramaOne For Following Latest News From Us. ....................

Dramaone 932 views

Sejarah Tercipta Tun Dr MahathirBekas PM Ke-2 Duduk Di Blok ... 0    0

Sejarah akan tercipta pada 18 Mei ini apabila Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan duduk di blok pembangkang ketika sidangan Dewan Rakyat bersambung semula. SUBSCRIBE DramaOne For Following Latest News. ........

Dramaone 977 views

MENGEJUTKAN! Ini Punca Sebenar Dr Adham Baba Dakwa Kerajaan ... 0    0

Menteri Kesihatan Dr Adham Baba mendakwa kerajaan PH sebelum ini telah gagᶐl membendųng kluster himpunan Tabligh di Masjid Sri Petaling Kuala Lumpur. SUBSCRIBE DramaOne For Our LATEST News. ......

Dramaone 1,035 views

OUT OF SHADOWS (Uncut, Full Length Documentary) 0    0

#OUTOFSHADOWS - THIS is the video that got over 2.1 MILLION VIEWS in a little over one day! BOOM!! The Most DANGEROUS Video On The Internet! People of the World, this EPIC & STUNNIN...

Inglorious-patr... 1,037 views