Search results for NDS

[BEENA] ディズニーたのしいおえかき おみせや... 1    0

Beena game upload again! This time, to avoid any non-kid-friendly weirdness, I went with a Disney game. It ended up being a glorified oekaki app, and unfortunately your drawings do not carry over betw...

Cabbusses 1,080 views

シミューレーションRPGツクール版BSファイア�... 1    0

I wanted to record this a while back, but it was only recently I figured out how to actually record it. Since the original site this was on seems to be long dead, here's the URL for the download: ...

Cabbusses 1,604 views

[PICO] 3丁目のタマ モモちゃんはどこ! | 554... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! Decided to record this after KigurumiRinRin asked about a Tama and FrieNDS game on Sega Pico. As far as I can tell, this is the only one. K...

Cabbusses 1,005 views

Exciting! Hataraku Norimono-tachi | エキサイティング... 1    0

From the GoodPico set, as opposed to previous dumps from Team-Europe. Regardless, I'm obligated to tell you to support Team-Europe anyway. They're working on VTech stuff...

Cabbusses 1,086 views

Livestream Digest - The Best/Worst of KiddoCabbusses (Maybe) 1    0

This clipshow was created in the off-chance E3 eNDS up being YouTube downtime for me, though I am hoping I can post some things during then. Some of these clips were selected/edited by my stream re...

Cabbusses 993 views

[BEENA] おでんくん おでんむらのたのしいなか... 1    0

Another Beena game upload. ... Just when I thought the Beena could not surprise me any more, I end up dealing with a farting-based minigame. ( 15:00 ) Good grief! I am never eating anything made wi...

Cabbusses 1,060 views

[PICO] マクドナルドであそぼ! 554 McDonald's De A... 1    0 A Sega Pico educational game about... working at McDonald's. It's exactly as strange as it souNDS.

Cabbusses 1,059 views

[PICO] NHKおかあさんといっしょ ドレミファど�... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! A bit of a different take on the Oekaki game. Art doesn't cross over between pages. Instead, you have multiple different kiNDS of customize-ab...

Cabbusses 1,046 views

[PICO] うんてんトーマス デラックスセット |... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! This is another game that came with an accessory to use it, but works in emulation regardless. This Thomas the Tank Engine Pico game attempts ...

Cabbusses 1,107 views

[VHSRIP] スーパーマリオ・ABCのうたビデオ | Sup... 1    0

(EDIT: Wow. A contentID claim on one song. Welp, guess I better upload this to alternative places. It'll be on my Twitch soon.) It's been a while since I put up a new VHS rip, but man, is this one ...

Cabbusses 964 views

[BEENA] 甲虫王者ムシキング ~森の民の伝説~... 1    0

Ah, I didn't want to finish the Pokemon Beena games that fast. :P I needed something different, after all. Here's Mushiking's Beena game, which resembles the anime a lot more than the preceding Pi...

Cabbusses 1,684 views

IGP CPSCOMM — Subscriber comments on CPS 0    0

Subscribers expertly articulate the source and sustenance of the corruption called "CPS". Kudos to you, my frieNDS. Deprivation of Rights

Inglorious-patr... 1,161 views

Warhammer 40k lion heresy Iron hands tribute 0    0

song : sweet dreams are made of scream all images and music belongs to their respective owners i own nothing #warhammer40k

Hordemaster1 1,102 views

warhammer 40k lion heresy Raven guards tribute 0    0

song : thousaNDS foot krutch war of change all images and music belongs to their respective owners i own nothing #warhammer40k

Hordemaster1 1,139 views