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Livestream - A Literal 554 BS 554 Zelda (Part 2) 0    0

This is from my livestream, which I do on YouTube, Hitbox, Twitch, and various other streaming services through .

Cabbusses 772 views

Livestream - A Literal 554 BS 554 Zelda (Part 1/??) 0    0

This is from my livestream, which I do on YouTube, Hitbox, Twitch, and various other streaming services through .

Cabbusses 712 views

IGP2 00012 — Creepy Joe will get the 'Rona and drop out �... 0    0

Creepy Joe was a DISASTER. DNC is all about being offEnded at anything, and racial strife. They HATE America and want to destroy our way of life. They want WAR. Let's give them REVOLT. T-shirt no m...

Inglorious-patr... 762 views

SAH! Zahid Hamidi Dedah Muafakat Nasional Tunggu Surat Dari ... 0    0

Muafakat Nasional (MN) masih belum mEndapat sebarang pengesahan mengenai penyertaan Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) ke dalam gabungan itu. SUBSCRIBE DramaOne For Following Latest News. ...

Dramaone 976 views

IGP NOCOMPLY — Non-compliance Wardrobe 0    0

We have a few things that will piss off the Libtards without you having to say a word. T-shirt no masks or shots: Mocking face mask...

Inglorious-patr... 906 views


There's nothing we can do the vine compilations they've got us no escape leave a like. ===================================================== Background Music: ‣ Hidden AgEnda by ...

Cole Perrine 978 views

Rupanya Ini Maksud Disebalik Nama Parti 'Pejuang' Tun Dr Mah... 0    0

Parti baru Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan dikenali sebagai “Pejuang”. Anggota parlimen Langkawi dan bekas perdana menteri mEndedahkan perkara itu dalam catatan di blog, dalam gaya seakan-akan sajak, seb...

Dramaone 981 views

KECOH! Pihak AGC Failkan Rayuan Untuk Tambah Tempoh Hųkuman... 0    0

Pihak pEndakwaan memfailkan rayuan untuk menambah tempoh hukųman pe̩njara 12 tahun dan jumlah dEnda RM210 juta dikenakan terhadap bekas perdana menteri Najib Razak yang melibatkan RM42 juta dana SRC...

Dramaone 865 views

SAH! Lim Guan Eng Ditahan Oleh SPRM Dan Akan Didakwa Esok! 0    0

SPRM akan mEndakwa bekas Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng di Mahkamah Khas Jalan Duta berhubung isu projek terowong dasar laut di Pulau Pinang esok. SUBSCRIBE DramaOne For Following Lates...

Dramaone 973 views

TERBONGKAR! Najib Bongkar Mahkamah Sendiri Sahkan 99 Peratus... 0    0

Kira-kira seminggu selepas didapati bersalah atas pertuduhan melibatkan dana SRC International Sdn Bhd (SRC), Najib Razak tampil menegaskan bahawa RM42 juta wang itu digunakan bukanlah untuk tujuan pe...

Dramaone 809 views

Ini Jawapan Mahdzir Khalid Selepas Dituduh Mintaa 'Habuan' R... 0    0

Bekas Menteri PEndidikan, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid menafikan kenyataan saksi ke-16, Rayyan Radzwill Abdullah bahawa beliau meminta habuan RM60 juta daripada syarikat Jepak Holdings Sdn Bhd isu projek...

Dramaone 987 views

IGP MISSING13— 13th Amendment is MISSING - REPOST 0    0

The 13th AmEndment (the REAL one) is MISSING. You'll never guess who stole it.... or maybe you WILL. Article used here:

Inglorious-patr... 848 views

IGP MISSING13— 13th Amendment is MISSING 0    0

The 13th AmEndment (the REAL one) is MISSING. You'll never guess who stole it.... or maybe you WILL. Article used here:

Inglorious-patr... 798 views

MENGEJUTKAN! Saksi Dakwa Mahdzir Khalid Minta 'Habuan' RM60 ... 0    0

Saksi ke-16, Rayyan Radzwill Abdullah memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini bahawa bekas Menteri PEndidikan, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid ada meminta habuan atau upah untuk dirinya. SUBSCRIBE DramaOn...

Dramaone 919 views

SAH! Dilaporkan Kem Azmin Ali Mula 'Panik' Selepas Zahid Umu... 0    0

Ketua Penerangan PKR Perak Muhamad Arafat Varisai Mahamad mEndakwa bekas timbalan presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali dan penyokong mula berasa panik selepas pengumuman Presiden Umno Ahmad Zahid Hamidi men...

Dramaone 929 views