Search results for Denji Sentai Megaranger (TV Program)

Sega Pico Music - Denji Sentai Megaranger | 電磁戦隊�... 0    0

Megaranger stands out in Minna de Karaoke for being a Tokusatsu song when the three other TV-show songs are anime/manga based. It's also the only song that skews just slightly older than the usual ta...

Cabbusses 929 views

Sega Pico Music - Denji Sentai Megaranger (short & loope... 0    0

This song plays right on the title screen, but the lightning sound effects makes it difficult to rip from there. That's why I dug into I found this screen where the song plays more cleanly to record f...

Cabbusses 923 views

[PICO] 電磁戦隊メガレンジャー | 554 Denji Sentai... 1    0

Support Team-Europe! This Pico game has one of the more interesting "gimmicks" I've seen, where the storyware page is actually &a...

Cabbusses 969 views