Search results for Akumajou Densetsu

Livestream - Halloween Stream 0    0

It's not like I'll be able to stream while the candy's going around, so, let's have it up now~

Cabbusses 888 views

Livestream highight - 10/31/2015 - Akumajou Densetsu summary... 0    0

For this video I made sure to fix the audio lag issues that occured during the livestream prior to editing. Hopefully that makes it a bit easier to watch than my last few attempts doing a highlight re...

Cabbusses 883 views

Livestream Highlight - 3/9/2015 - Literally Less Flashy 0    0

So, Akumajou Densetsu thrown into a Yobo FC Game Console. No VRC6, square and triangle are inverted, and... flashing lights stop working for some reason? How strange. (The beginning part of this i...

Cabbusses 887 views